Monday, February 8, 2010


Sadhu Sunder Singh


“Then you will know the truth, and the truth
will set you free.” (John 8:32)
Sadhu Sunder Singh was born in September
1889, in village Rampur near Ludhiana (Punjab). It was a rich household
of Jat Sikh family. As a Sikh, Sunder read scriptures of Hinduism.
He often visited Hindu temples in company of his parents. By the age
of seven, he had memorized Bhagavad-Gita. At sixteen, he had mastered
Vedas and other Hindu scriptures. He also read Koran, the sacred
book of Islam. He got acquainted with some Sadhus who taught
him Yoga. Sunder did not marry but devoted his life in the service of
Heavenly Father. He traveled all over world, wearing a yellow robe, lived
on food offered by people and had no permanent residence.
It was his mother who initially encouraged him to become a Sadhu.
She once told him, “Do not be selfish and materialistic but search for
eternal peace and truth, be a Sadhu. He practiced meditation and yoga
but never achieved inner peace.
He had his education in Christian Missionary School at Ludhiana.
There he had his exposure to Holy Bible. He wasn’t interested in Christianity
but turned to be anti-Christ. He believed that Jesus had taught
completely wrong faith. He used to tear Holy Bible apart and burn it.
During his school days he often enjoyed stoning Christian Missionaries
and encouraged others to join him in his nasty activities.
His mother died when he was 14 years old. It changed his life alto-
gether. His search for truth started. He explored every possible field in
search of inner peace but could not find. All his study of scripture of
various religions proved futile. He was thirsty for His love and needed
water of life. No religious scripture that he had read could lead him to
the real path. Ultimately out of frustration, he decided to end his life, as
in absence of inner peace, he felt there was no purpose of life.
One day when joyfully he burned Holy Bible in presence of his father,
his thirst for truth overpowered his devilish mental sickness. Three
days after the incidence, he woke up at 3 A.M. and prayed, “Oh God, if
you do exist, show me the right way or I will kill myself”. He decided to
die under the running train that passed at 4 A. M everyday, behind his
house. He thought that he would find inner peace in his future birth. He
once again prayed with a determination to move to the railway track. All
of a sudden he saw a bright light in his room. He saw Jesus’ in the
radiance and heard His voice, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me”.
It was an experience similar to St Paul. St Paul had heard His voice
“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against
gods”. Jesus commanded Saul “ I am sending you to them, do open
their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from Satan to
God, so that they may receive forgiveness of their sins and a place
among those who are sanctified by faith in Me”. It changed his life altogether
and Saul (St Paul) turned from persecutor to discipleship.
Similarly, Jesus changed his life. Sunder turned to be disciple and
saved so many lives, preached the Word of God throughout the world.
He realized that Jesus was living God forever. Sunder fell on his knees
before Him and experienced an astonishing peace that he had never
felt before. The vision disappeared, but peace and joy remained within
him throughout.
This happening transformed his life. On his birthday in year 1905,
he took baptism in an English Church in Simla. It was against the wishes
of his family but Sunder became disciple of Christ. His father renounced
him and his family ostracized him. The day he left his house, his food
was heavily poisoned to kill but God saved him.
On October 16 1905, in a yellow robe, barefooted and without provisions,
he resumed his nomadic life. He preached the Holy Gospel from
village to village. He dedicated his life to the Lord, abandoned all possession,
maintained celibacy and lived on charity. He was convinced
that only in that dress he could reach and preach the Gospel in India.
In 1906, he went to Tibet for the first time. That country attracted
him, primarily because of the great challenges against evangelism. He
had expected very strong opposition and persecution in that region. On
high snow clad Himalayan peaks, he preached Gospel and faced persecution
in His name.
On his way to Tibet, he met Mr. Stoker, an American missionary who
also wore a yellow robe. Very often, they spent the nights together under
trees or in the mountain caves at an altitude of 5000 meters above
sea level. Most of the time, they slept without food and enough cloths.
Happily they endured all the hardships for the sake of preaching the
Gospel. Once Sunder fell sick, Mr. Stoker managed their stay in a house
of one European. Inspired by Sunder’s faith in God and his sincere love
for people, the host confessed and repented for his sins, surrendered
himself to the Lord.
For theological knowledge, Sadhu Sunder Singh joined ‘St. John
School of Theology’ in Lahore. He studied there for two years and later
resumed his journey to preach Gospel.
As expressed by him, once, while sitting on the treetop, he was
singing the hymn on his love for Jesus. One man pulled him down and
knocked him to the ground. He silently got up and prayed for the hostile
person. He told him, how Jesus loved the sinners. Jesus died as a
sacrifice to redeem the sinners. He told, Lord says, “Love your enemies
and pray for those who persecute you”. (Matthew 5:44) The said
person with his companion repented and turned to Christ.
Once while he was in Tibet, four robbers trapped him in the middle
of jungle. One of them brandished a sword. He meekly bowed his
head thinking that it was end of his life. This attitude was a big surprise
for them. Since he was penniless, they took his blanket and let him go.
Surprisingly one of the robbers called him back and curiously asked
his name. Sunder introduced himself, opened his Bible and started
telling him the story of the rich man and Lazarus the poor. One of the
robber said that the end of the rich man’s life was unpleasant so what
would happen in their case. Sunder preached to him the Gospel and
God’s forgiveness. The robber took Sunder to his home and repented.
In 1912, he initiated seclusion and fasting for 40 days. He failed to
complete his long fast because of his ill health. However the experience
strengthened his spirit.
He often suffered persecution but was always miraculously delivered
by the Lord. In 1914, Sunder preached in Tibet, a country with very
strong root of Buddhism. In the town of Rasa, a local Lama, sentenced
him to death for spreading a foreign religion in Tibet. He was thrown
into a drenched well covered with a lid on the top and locked inside.
The punishment was beyond his tolerance as there were corpses of
executed murderers, snakes, rats and other rattling animals beside
him in the well. He was without food, drink and clothes for 2 days. Third
day he saw a rope thrown from the top and he was asked to catch the
rope. He caught the rope and some one pulled him out. He wanted to
thank the helper, but to his surprise no one was there to receive his
Again he was recaptured and taken to the Lama. It was an utter
surprise to Lama as the only key of the lock on the well he had in his
personal custody. Lama asked him, how he came out? Sunder said,
“you had put me to die but my Lord is the Lord of life”. They realized
that Sunder was under the protection of a very powerful God so fearfully
asked him to leave Tibet. Lama managed to ban his entry into
Tibet in future.
In 1918, Sunder visited Madras where thousands of people gathered
to listen to his preaching. He focused his preaching on Jesus
Christ as the only redeemer. He testified, “His presence always brings
astonishing peace to me”. He said that in every situation, Jesus was
with him. While in prison, He was there with me. He transformed the
jail into a heaven and the punishment became blessings.
He said, “There are Christians, who do not experience His glorious
presence as something real, because Jesus is only in their minds not
in their hearts. Only who surrenders his heart to Him, he finds Him.”
While preaching, Sunder often used parables like Jesus. He once
said, “One day, I was taking rest after a long journey. Suddenly a sparrow
came towards me, as it was helpless to bear the strong wind blowing.
An eagle dived to catch the panicky bird. Sparrow flew into my lap
to save its life. By choice, it would not normally happen. However, the
little bird was seeking for a refuge from a great danger. Likewise, the
violent winds of sufferings blow us into the Lord’s protective hands.”
He preached in London (Great Britain) and in California (United States
of America). In1918-1919, he visited Malaysia, Japan and China. In1920-
1922 he went to Western Europe, Australia and Israel. He preached in
Jerusalem, Lima, Berlin and Amsterdam. Sunder remained modest
despite his fame. His attitude made his father repent at the later stage.
Sunder never thought of himself but only longed to follow Jesus, repaid
evil with kindness and won over his enemies by love. This attitude often
caused his enemies to feel ashamed of their evil actions. Once, he
was preaching in public, a fanatic (non Christian) punched his right
cheek. Calmly, Sunder turned his left cheek towards him. The attacker
left immediately but sought forgiveness for his sin he had committed.
Once Sunder told some harvesters, the parable of the weeds. They
became annoyed and one of them stoned at Sundae’s head. The stone
thrower was struck by severe headache and lied down on the ground.
Sunder took his sickle worked for him in the field. Harvesters soon
became friendly to him and invited sunder to their home. He opened
their hearts for Gospel. The next day when Sunder had left them, they
noticed that the harvest was much more than normal.
Sunder visited Tibet again in year 1929. He never returned back,
perhaps his assignment on earth was over. “For whoever wants to
save his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for me and for
the Gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:35)

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God Bless You.
Rev Dr Jasjit Singh
Phone Office 1-559-277-1533, Fax 1-559-277-1514, Cell 1-559-394-6649