Friday, February 5, 2010

the context of our lives.
My brethren, you close your eyes, kneel down and worship
false prophets or idols or even scriptures of various religions,
feeling that you have hidden yourself from the ferocious
teeth of death. Death just laughs at your innocence, as your
closed eyes do not safeguard your soul. You pray before socalled
men of God, for your deliverance from the punishment of
your sins. You worship those who are also under the yoke of
sin. They will also face the wrath of the Lord for their transgressions.
They may be worse sinners than you, for they themselves
trample and lead you on the road of destruction. They
have strengthened your unbelief against God. Finally they will
also be in queue with you before the judgment seat on the Day
of Judgment. Like Dove, you hide yourselves in their shadow
and feel comfortable keeping a false hope of escape from eternal
Let us presume that the prophets you worship were righteous
people and lived a holy life. Do you think their good deeds
are going to be credited to your account for your salvation? Will
your kneeling down before them or their images wash away
your sins that are written in God’s ledger? Have those prophets
ever said that they will take away your sins? No scripture that
you worship gives assurance for your deliverance. Rather they
speak loudly, “Your account will be opened by the Lord to weigh
your deeds for the granting of eternal life or eternal death.” Do
you know that your sins or virtues are not even accountable to
your own children? If your children cannot inherit your legacy
of virtue, how do you expect to be the heir of those men of God
who are not even distantly related to you? Open your eyes and
discard this deceptive belief: otherwise you will meet absolute
ruin. The Word of God says, “The soul who sins shall die”. This
is the verdict of God for you. I only want to give you a shake so

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